A response to @vijilkiwi

In response to:


...based on:


...prompted by:


Rob, the answer to your question lies at the heart of the question itself. This - http://i.imgur.com/Zkdwx.jpg - is not an "industry". This - http://i.imgur.com/UwD8J.jpg - is not an "industry". This - http://i.imgur.com/IMBqZ.jpg - is not an "industry".

Education is by far the most important human endeavour. Without education, we are simply sitting in a cave banging rocks together. You go and ask ANY educator, and I'll sit here and wait...Pop down to a school (Your nearest school - ANY school) and ask anyone there involved in education for their thoughts on personality tests for teachers, and 100% of them will oppose it, and they will ALL give you a much better answer than I possibly can. Or find someone who lived in Nazi Germany in the 1930s for their thoughts on this. I promise you, they will all oppose the idea.

So this personality test? How about we have this test to weed out National supporters? Still support personality tests in education? Anything else we should weed out? Critical thinking? Dissent? Yes. Just be quiet. Be a good little teacher/student, and do what you’re told. There's a good job waiting for you when your education is complete. Just be good. Be quiet. Conform to 'this' personality profile or you can't be a teacher. Shall we conduct personality tests for students as well, and weed out the undesirable students who will disrupt the rest of the class?

This is the thought police, and has absolutely no place in public education what so ever. If you REALLY want a good answer to this question, go to a school and ask. Seriously. Let me know which school you went to, who you spoke with, and what their answer was.

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