PAINTBALL - Millennium goes to 15

The Millennium Series in Europe has adopted the PSP's rules for capped RoF (With legalised trigger bounce) at 15 BPS. I guess it's one way of dealing with gun cheats. I don't think it's the best by a long shot (But no one asked me).

As for what it will mean for NZ (If we still have a national rule set moving forward), I'm not sure. I suspect with firearms laws here, NZ will remain a true "semi-automatic marker only" country as we don't have the ability to detect who's firing at 15 BPS, let alone who's ramping to 20+.

Haven't found anything on Millennium's site, but there is this from 68 Caliber.com


marty said...

One of the motions I will be moving at the meeting on Saturday is that we adopt the NPPL 2005 Rules as our own ...

marty said...

Balistic chrony ... but who wants to go to the expense of that for tournaments where you'd be lucky to get to 12 teams?