GAMIN' - Brothers in Arms

If you're much of a gamer (Xbox or PC), you're probably going to have heard of Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30. Just completed it this evening. I'd been looking forward to the game since I saw a preview of the game from last year's E3. My Grandfather (Col. Harry M. Kemp (Ret)) fought in WWII, and between his book, watching the likes of Band of Brothers and playing this game, it gives you a small glimpse of the extreme circumstances that these "average Joes" were asked to go through. I'm thankful everyday that I've not had to fight in a war myself.

Anyway...The game. The game rocks. Best WWII FPS out there. A little short, but I'm replaying on "Authentic" difficulty which certainly gets the blood pumping. The visuals on the PC are beautiful (You'll need a grunty video card. My GeForce 6600GT copes nicely). There are a lot of people saying that you should be able to lean around corners and crawl on the ground, and I agree these are two glaringly missing abilities. But an enjoyable game. Makes WWII FPSes like MoH and CoD look silly (Though CoD was pretty good too).

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