INTERWEB - Bye bye TV...

DVD killed VHS. For me, PVR killed recording to DVD (Actually PVR came before DVD recorders, so I never bothered). And the Net is quickly killing TV, in our house at least.

A mate flicked me a link to TV.EXE, simple program which aggregates webcasts from sites across the Net. Unlikely to be anything I want to watch any time soon (Mostly religious channels). If only American PBS channels were there. I can even dream of Discovery, the History Channel or National Geographic. Probably just as well these aren't there as the last time I crashed at a mates who had Sky, I was up watching the History Channel till 0200...@_@

The other month I watched NOVA's program on string theory and then spent hours Wiki'ing about theoretical physics. Now thanks to Digg, I've got a link to more of NOVA's programs. When I was young I used to watch NOVA when it was hosted by Peter Ustinov. Those were the days!

And when we were away in Australia, we'd set the first episode of season four of Family Guy to record, but there was a power cut while we were gone, so it didn't record. But thanks to eMule, we were able to watch it less than 24 hours later. I'll often watch something like season two of the new Battlestar Galactica (Not released here in NZ yet) on the bus to work. If it wasn’t for the 10 GB traffic cap on our DSL connection, I probably wouldn’t watch much TV at all. Note that I do not illegally download music and movies through eMule, as that is stealing. I only watch free to air TV programs.

The Internet is the future of TV. The Net is the future of everything. Resistance is futile. And DRM designed to squeeze every last penny out of consumers is arse! People want to be able to watch what they want, when they want, where they want. Get on board, or get left behind.

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