LIFE - Update

Wow. It's been a busy week. Last week I got an e-mail from my Mum advising they were shifting back from the States. No more vagaries, but actual dates and flights. It was funny, but after years of "Some day", to suddenly be told they would be here in about three weeks! My goodness!

Saturday was the day that is was and we shall speak no more of that. Was a good day though...:-)

Sunday was cool. We bought Nooboo's cot. Pics of all the new baby stuff are of course on Flickr. TradeMe rocks...:-) Last "major" thing to get is a car seat.

Stumbled across a cool piece of software on Digg. It's called Hamachi, and it is basically used to create a password protected, encrypted VPN through the Internet between machines. It's free, and it's simple (My two favourite features) and it runs on Windows and Linux. I can then VNC (Password protected, which of course also runs on Windows or Linux) through the tunnel to remote control machines. Finally the perfect (As far as I can tell), way for me to help remote friends and family with their machines without having to dick around with firewall and router ports. W00t! And I've even thought, if I leave Hamachi and VNC server running on our PVR at home, I can Hamachi/VNC through and set it to tape TV programs if I lean of or forget something I want to record. Cool! Sorry if this is old hat for you.

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