POLITICS - You Have Got To Be Kidding

I'm starting to lose track of how many exit polls and interviews I heard with Americans who simply say:

"I will not vote for Barack Obama because he is black"

FOR FUCKS SAKE! Where do you people come from? When will your racist, discriminatory views die you fricking dinosaurs? If you get stuck with McCain because you won't vote for a black guy, I really seriously do give up on you.


deleted said...

I wouldn't vote for him because he's got hardcore links to Communists.

I wouldn't vote for Hillary because shes only in due to her husband,

I wouldn't vote for McCain due to him being a conservative Christain.

I don't think I'd vote.

Unless Paul made it in as an independent (which isn't going to happen)

RePete said...

I myself hold some Marxist/Communist/Socialist leanings (Mainly relating to the commonwealth vs. individual wealth), and we've had discussions on this previously and agree to disagree.

Can you point out what you consider to be "hardcore links"? If you're referring to Frank Marshall Davis, Obama is not his childhood mentor any more than he is his pastor.

As for Hillary, you can't critique any of her policies, so you just basically say 'she doesn't deserve to be in the race'? How about, anyone deserves to be in the race, and she's been getting enough votes to prove that she has some level of public support? Besides, I know your next argument would be 'I wouldn't vote for Hillary because she is a Democrat'.

You rate the detail of McCain's Christianity before his ties to lobbyists, and the fact that as a result of trying to gain back the support of the wider Republican party base, that his policies will largely be a third term in office for the Neoconservatives?