LIFE - Can someone please explain...

When Russia invades a sovereign country, it is "...an act of aggression condemned by the international community..." (To paraphrase Dick Cheney), but when the US does it, it's spreading freedom and democracy, or ensuring national security.

The only people who are worse than the hypocrites perpetrating these acts, are the people who are allowing them to undertake these acts, in their names.

PS - If my country (i.e. the country I live in and consider myself a citizen of despite not having completed my citizen application) I would not be getting up in the morning, and going to work and going home and eating dinner and playing with my kids. I would be standing in front of the steps of my house of representitives DEMANDING an explanation, and if that explanation was as WEAK as the explanation being given by these crooks and liars, then I would have my torch and noose and I would do something about it!

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