LIFE - I miss coffee...:-(

I think it's been like two or three weeks since I gave it up. I went cold turkey since it coincided with a case of gastroenteritis. Every other day I'm like "I'd really love a coffee". My reasons for giving it up were 33% health related, 33% cost related and 33% pride related. But when I get a bad nights sleep, which has been three out of the past five, I feel like a complete waste of space at work. And on the days when I drive up to Palmerston North from Wellington, I can't make it in one go (Mind you I am getting up at 0530 on those days and leaving the house at 0600) and have to stop for a nap least I wake up driving on the wrong side of the road...:-( I miss coffee...;_;


Martin said...

So no more CAB's?

RePete said...

Well. Maybe B's, but probably no C's.

Anonymous said...

Need more photos.