LIFE - Hypocrisy

Perhaps when I contact people in the media (Primarily the indepenent media, and not the MSN) who are covering current events, and I ask them:

You have shed a light on the hypocrisy undertaken by those in power, whether it is political or corporate power. What am I supposed to do now?

...I NEVER get an answer to this question. _NEVER_. And in my heart of hearts, I believe the reason I do not get an answer is because people don't want to say what the only answer is, for fear of retribution. This fear may be perfectly warrented in light of things like warrentless wiretapping and The Patriot Act.

In William Black's Interview with Bill Moyers on his Journal, in answer to Bill's question (To paraphrase):

"How do we solve this problem?" [At approx 26:00]

William Black states states:

"Get rid of the people who have caused the problems" [27:15]

...These people WILL NOT go quietly. So let that answer the question of what needs to be done to resolve this problem. Do the people have the stomach to do this? Not yet. We'll see what happens when unemployment in the US hits 25%-33% (And that's not fudged unemployment figures, but the real thing.)

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