GEEK - Windows Vista - Strike 3.5

Couple of quick squirts...

I've left the Ron Paul thingy above, as I can still wish, even though it is not going to happen. I've slowly watched my choices for this year’s US Presidential election being whittled away (Well, basically Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul and maybe John Edwards). I'm basically left with Barack Obama now. And unfortunately, while I think he's a step in the right direction on some things, I don't think he will bring about the level of change required on a number of important issues (Poverty and wealth distribution, the power lobbyists have in US politics, foreign policy and unconditional support for Israel which fuels much of the conflict in the Middle East). If it came down to Clinton or McCain, I'm not sure what I'd do, as I don't want to give either of them my vote.

Now on to the subject mentioned in the title. Sorry Microsoft (We'll, I'm not really sorry at the end of the day), but I've now given Windows Vista three goes (One when it was first released, two about six months later when there were a number of updates released, and three since SP1 was released. My experience has been pretty much the same across all three occasions. Sluggish performance at just about anything. It is not a 'snappy' OS. Now my performance index is 4.5, so this machine is no slouch. But just about any single task (Generally media playback) seems to max out the machine's CPU. Whereas Windows XP, any of these individual tasks might suck up about 25% of the CPU. Admittedly this has all been on my existing machine which is about three to four years old now (Single core proc, 2 GB of RAM), but as I say, that performance index isn’t too shabby. Would be curious to see how it goes on some current hardware (Excluding my wife’s machine as mentioned below), but there have been delays getting my new laptop (Grrrrr).

As time has passed, Margaret's install of Vista has gotten slower and slower (As Windows machines do). I was going to rebuild her machine with Vista again, but SP1 isn't out for general release yet, and the copy I have is integrated with the install disk. So rather than install Vista (sans-SP1) and XP, we just went with XP. And her machine screams.

Really Microsoft. As much as anyone might try and talk things up about Vista getting better, the general perception about Vista is 100% accurate. The OS is crap. Your operating paradigm of "Must ship a new version of Windows every 5 years to make money" is flawed, as you A) pushed Vista out before it was ready, B) killed a lot of the things that might have been cool about Vista and C) left in a bunch of stuff which really does nothing anyway. Additionally I understand that things change from one version of Windows to another, but renaming every item in Control Panel and changing every task on how a PC is managed, wasn't really necessary. But if you'd left too many things the same as XP, people would have said "It's just like XP", and no one would have been compelled to upgrade. Sorry, but you failed.

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