POLITICS - Douchebag vs. Turd Sandwhich

So here we are. The candidates and their veeps have been chosen. It's Obama vs. McCain. And as historic as the candidacy of Obama is, and as much of a 'change' as he might represent, I still look at those choices and feel that Americans have chosen the safe options. The same 'safe' candidates that always make it to this point, and not the real cold, hard look candidates who might really address the difficult choices that need to be made. But who am I kidding? The US President is just one person (Well....Along with their Administration). I believe it is much easier for one person to break things than it is for them to fix things. And that is if their motivation is to fix things.

I believe unequivocally that McCain represent a party that exists for one purpose only and that is to make rich, old, white men richer. The party of trickle-down economics. Oh. The benefits haven't trickled down to you? You must not be working hard enough...

So that leaves Obama. But what does Obama stand for? If you had to condense his principles down to a single factoid or collection of details, I don't know what they are.

So I have a candidate that I simply will not vote for. And this isn't based on blind, partisan party politics, but based on listening to what McCain has said, and in many cases has said again (Only in the opposite direction of something he said earlier). And a candidate that I am not sure of. Based on this, it's obvious where a 'no' vs. a 'maybe' will go. But it's not like I have an opportunity to vote for who I really want. For someone who will have looked to make some fundamental changes to the rules of the game. America is no longer the home of the free and the land of the brave. It is the home of the quest to get rich. The last grasp to secure one's own fortune while everything else falls apart. It doesn't matter who you vote for. If the imbalance of wealth does not change, and if the values between individual wealth and the commonwealth do not change, then the resulting direction of the US economy and everything that depends on it will not change.

That being said, those who are pulling the string DO NO WANT REAL CHANGE. They have the money. They have the power. And you and your namby-pamby vote will not get in their way. They already own your candidate, whichever side you choose.

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