POLITICS - It's about time...

I started watching MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann some time back after viewing one of Keith's Special Comments calling out the Bush administration on one of the billions of BS moves they carried out. Olbermann was one of the few people in the MSN calling it like it was, and trying to call out the Bush administration on their lies and hypocrisy, unlike most other members of the Forth Estate who sold us on the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, and don't ask the hard questions to ensure they got access and to sell advertising space.

Unfortunately since Obama has been elected, Keith has spent far too much time in the honeymoon period going "Yay! Isn't Obama great?!?!? He's not Bush!". If this is your sole unit of measurement, as to whether or not someone is or is not a 'George W. Bush', then you're asking the wrong fucking question.

So finally...FINALLY! Keith makes a Special Comment on the bullshit that Obama is carrying on with. At least he's not Bush is not enough! I'm not talking economic stimulus. I'm not talking about rearranging the deckchairs of US foreign policy. I'm talking about the rule of law. "I'm wanting to look forward not backward" is political bullshit from Obama and is exactly what people believed "Change" was meant to change. Change doesn't just mean there used to be a white guy and now there is a black guy. It is a shame that it seems much like FDR and LBJ, that the president needs people to push him to do the right thing as opposed to an ability and willingness to do the right thing of his own accord. Obama is trying to make everyone happy all of the time. So sitting back and saying "Hey! He's not Bush!" will change NOTHING. If I did not have two dependants and a wonderful wife who is a home maker and mother, I would have flown back to the US and I would be doing something about it!!!

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